Joshua Davis

Synteesha Bellamy

Sentavion Bellamy

Jalyn Hall

Faraja Liane

Cain McGuire

Azyona Douglas

Alyssa Milam

Johnathan Scoggins
MISSING CHILD Johnathan Michael Scoggins NCIC# M328202726 Missing Since: January 17, 2025 Cleveland, TN Age Now: 16 Years Old Male Johnathan was last seen January 17, 2025. Cleveland PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-423-476-1121 How you can help Scan, View, &...

MISSING CHILD Have you seen this child? SKYE DEPRIMO Age: 15 Sex: Female Race: White Hair: Red Eyes: Brown Height: 5'6" Weight: 180 lbs. NCIC: M918206371 Missing From: Collegedale, TN Missing Since: 12/05/2024 Skye Deprimo is a 15-year-old white female, 5'6" tall, 180...

Sky Wagenknecht
MISSING CHILD Sky Kathryn Wagenknecht NCIC# M578108280 Missing Since: October 11, 2024 Knoxville, TN Age Now: 17 Years Old Female Sky was last seen on October 11, 2024. Knoxville PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010 How you can help Scan, View, &...

Shaunvae Jacobs

Tasia Meeks
MISSING CHILD Tasia Meeks NCIC# M998136028 Missing Since: October 21, 2024 Dayton, TN Age Now: 17 Years Old Female EXTRA PHOTOS Both photos shown are of Tasia. Dayton Police Department(Tennessee) 1-423-775-3876 How you can help Scan, View, & Share Report Sighting...

ASHTON AUTH Age: 15 Sex: Male Race: White Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 5'7" Weight: 180 lbs. NCIC: M758050069 Missing From: Johnson City, TN Missing Since: 9/12/2024 Ashton Auth is a 15-year-old white male, 5'7" tall, 180 lbs., with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes....

Damian Taylor
MISSING CHILD Have you seen this child? DAMIAN TAYLOR Age: 16 Sex: Male Race: White Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 lbs. NCIC: M098124046 Missing From: Limestone, TN Missing Since: 9/30/2024 Damian Taylor is a 16-year-old white male, 5'11" tall, 160...

Alyssa Swoager
MISSING CHILD Have you seen this child? ALYSSA MARIE SWOAGER Age: 17 Sex: Female Race: Biracial Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Height: 4'11" Weight: 105 lbs. NCIC: M158090955 Missing From: Kingsport, TN Missing Since: 9/26/2024 Alyssa Marie Swoager is a 17-year-old biracial...

Shianne Bates
MISSING CHILD Shianne Bates NCIC# M458122146 Missing Since: September 20, 2024 Dayton, TN Age Now: 17 Years Old Female EXTRA PHOTOS Both photos shown are of Shianne. She was last seen on September 20, 2024. Rhea County Sheriff'sOffice (Tennessee) 1-423-775-2442 How...

Dylan Boyce
MISSING CHILDDylan Lee Boyce NCIC# M988151014 Missing Since: September 15, 2024 Greeneville, TN Age Now: 17 Years Old Male EXTRA PHOTOS Both photos shown are of Dylan. Greeneville Police Department (Tennessee) 1-423-639-7111 How you can help Scan, View, &...

Kaydin Nave
MISSING CHILD Kaydin Allen Nave NCIC# M838073080 Missing Since: September 10, 2024 Bluff City, TN Age Now: 16 Years Old Male Kaydin was last seen on September 10, 2024. Sullivan CountySheriff's Office(Tennessee) 1-423-279-7500 How you can help Scan, View, &...

Branson Funderberg

Alexis Shears
MISSING CHILD Have you seen this child? ALEXIS SHEARS Age: 15 Sex: Female Race: White Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 5'5" Weight: 130 lbs. NCIC: M448104647 Missing From: Kingsport, TN Missing Since: 9/14/2024 Alexis Shears is a 15-year-old white female, 5'5" tall, 130...

Madalyn Lee
MISSING CHILD Madalyn Ann-Marie Lee NCIC# M938037902 Missing Since: August 21, 2024 Decatur, TN Age Now: 17 Years Old Female Madalyn was last seen on August 21, 2024. Meigs County Sheriff's Office(Tennessee) 1-423-334-5268 How you can help Scan, View, &...

Ayden Cook
MISSING CHILD Ayden Loyd Cook NCIC# M528122031 Missing Since: September 6, 2024 Knoxville, TN Age Now: 16 Years Old Male Ayden was last seen on September 6, 2024. Knoxville Police Department (Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010 How you can help Scan, View, & Share Report...

Maggie Miczek
MISSING CHILDMaggie Pearl MiczekNCIC# M908066072Missing Since: August 21, 2024Greeneville, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldFemaleMaggie was last seen on August 21, 2024.Greeneville Police Department (Tennessee) 1-423-639-7111How you can help Scan, View, & ShareReport...

Koran Muhammad
MISSING CHILDHave you seen this child?KORAN MUHAMMADAge: 17Sex: MaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'8"Weight: 150 lbs.NCIC: M247779188Missing From: Knoxville, TNMissing Since: 12/3/2023Koran Muhammad is a 17-year-old black male, 5'8"tall, 150 lbs., with...

Iris Jordan
The Horn Lake Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in locating 16 year old, Iris Jordan. Iris was last seen at approximately 6:15 pm on 08/01/2024 prior to running away from home. She was last seen wearing a black jacket, black t-shirt, black pants...

Lurvin Danelia Galeas Brizuela
MISSING CHILDHave you seen this child?LURVIN DANELIAGALEAS BRIZUELAAge: 14Sex: FemaleRace: HispanicHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'9"Weight: UnknownNCIC: M838006265Extra PhotoMissing From: Morristown, TNMissing Since: 7/24/2024Lurvin Daniela Galeas Brizuela is a...

Ivana Ramsey

Saniyah Williams
MISSING CHILDSaniyah WilliamsNCIC# M267972805Missing Since: July 7, 2024Chattanooga, TNAge Now: 15 Years OldFemaleSaniyah may still be in the local area. She may wear glasses.Chattanooga PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-423-698-2525How you can helpScan, View, &...

Joshua Seeber
MISSING CHILDJoshua Douglas SeeberNCIC# M807982203Missing Since: July 11, 2024Rockwood, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldMaleJoshua was last seen on July 11, 2024.Rockwood PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-354-3388How you can helpScan, View, & ShareReport Sighting CALL911...

Summer Bookout
MISSING CHILDSummer BookoutNCIC# M877986978Missing Since: June 20, 2024Knoxville, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldFemaleSummer may go by the name Dixie. When she was last seen her hair was shaved. Summer may wear wigs to changeher hairstyle.Knoxville...

Adrianna Noland
MISSING CHILDHave you seen this child?ADRIANNA NOLANDAge: 16Sex: FemaleRace: WhiteHair: Brown Eyes: GreenHeight: 5'1"Weight: 150 lbs.NCIC: M657942512Missing From: Knoxville, TNMissing Since: 6/20/2024Adrianna Noland is a 16-year-old white female, 5'1",150 lbs., with...

Aundreas Dokes
MISSING CHILDHave you seen this child?AUNDREAS DOKESAge: 15Sex: MaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'6"Weight: 125 lbs.NCIC: M087950277Missing From: Knoxville, TNMissing Since: 06/11/2024Aundreas Dokes is a 15-year-old black male, 5'6" tall,125 lbs., with...

Caden Hatley
MISSING CHILDHave you seen this child?CADEN HATLEYAge: 17Sex: MaleRace: WhiteHair: Brown Eyes: BlueHeight: 6'1"Weight: 156 lbs.NCIC: M317938676Missing From: Church Hill, TNMissing Since: 6/5/2024Caden Hatley is a 17-year-old white male, 6'1" tall,156 lbs., with brown...

Daliyah Shyne
MISSING CHILDRENHave you seen these children?CIARRA SHYNEAge: 13Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'1"Weight: 105 lbs.NCIC: M987977584DALIYAH SHYNEAge: 9Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 4'9"Weight: 95 lbs.NCIC: M537959923CEMARA...

Ciarra Shyne
MISSING CHILDRENHave you seen these children?CIARRA SHYNEAge: 13Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'1"Weight: 105 lbs.NCIC: M987977584DALIYAH SHYNEAge: 9Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 4'9"Weight: 95 lbs.NCIC: M537959923CEMARA...

Cemara Shyne
MISSING CHILDRENHave you seen these children?CIARRA SHYNEAge: 13Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 5'1"Weight: 105 lbs.NCIC: M987977584DALIYAH SHYNEAge: 9Sex: FemaleRace: BlackHair: Black Eyes: BrownHeight: 4'9"Weight: 95 lbs.NCIC: M537959923CEMARA...

Taxarien Harris
MISSING CHILDTaxarien Anthony HarrisNCIC# M907935608Missing Since: May 21, 2024Chattanooga, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldMaleTaxarien was last seen on May 21, 2024.Chattanooga PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-423-698-2525How you can helpScan, View, & ShareReport Sighting...

Kentaira Green
MISSING CHILDKentaira GreenNCIC# M777938140Missing Since: May 18, 2024Blountville, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldFemaleEXTRA PHOTOSBoth photos shown are of Kentaira. She may stay in the local area or may travel to Kingsport, Tennessee or MyrtleBeach, South Carolina....

La’quayvious Frierson
MISSING CHILDLa'quayvious FriersonNCIC# M127911740Missing Since: May 11, 2024Knoxville, TNAge Now: 15 Years OldMaleEXTRA PHOTOSBoth photos shown are of La'quayvious. He was last seen on May 11, 2024.Knoxville PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010Report Sighting...

Kevin Goins
MISSING CHILDKevin Isaiah Paul GoinsNCIC# M617846795Missing Since: April 17, 2024Knoxville, TNAge Now: 15 Years OldMaleKevin was last seen April 17, 2024.Knoxville PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010How you can helpScan, View, & ShareReport Sighting CALL911...

Olivia Campbell
MISSING CHILDOlivia Gabrielle CampbellNCIC# M117853240Missing Since: May 9, 2024Knoxville, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldThe child may still be in the local area. The child may go by the name Levi.Knoxville PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010Report Sighting CALL911 or...

KIMBERLIN ULLOA - 14YO MISSING MARYVILLE, TN GIRL - EAST TN Kimberlin Ulloa, a 14-year-old girl, was last seen on November 12, 2022, in Maryville, Tennessee. She has brown hair and brown...

SURI MORALES BANEGAS - 15YO MISSING KNOXVILLE, TN GIRL - EAST TN Suri Morales Banegas, a 15-year-old girl, was last seen on August 26, 2023, in Knoxville, Tennessee. She has black hair and brown eyes. She is 5’4” tall and weighs 125...

SUMMER WELLS - 7YO MISSING ROGERSVILLE, TN - EAST TN Summer Wells, a 7-year-old girl, was last seen on June 15, 2021, at her home in Rogersville, Tennessee at approximately 6:00pm. Please take a moment to share Summer’s missing poster to your friends and...

Edinson Rodriguez Hosorio
EDINSON RODRIGUEZ HOSORIO - 17YO MISSING GATLINBURG, TN BOY - EAST TN Edinson Rodriguez Hosorio, a 16-year-old boy, was last seen on March 2, 2023, in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. He has black hair and brown eyes. He is 4’11” tall and weighs 140 pounds....

Armando Mirelez
ARMANDO MIRELEZ - 16YO MISSING GREENEVILLE, TN BOY - EAST TN Armando Mirelez, a 16-year-old boy, was last seen on April 13, 2022, in Greeneville, Tennessee. He has black hair and brown eyes. He is 5’6” tall and weighs 147 pounds....