MISSING CHILDJeria Jacoe SummeourNCIC# M938004471Missing Since: July 28, 2024Talbott, TNAge Now: 17 Years OldFemaleEXTRA PHOTOSAll photos shown are of Jeria. She was last seen on July 28, 2024. Jeria may travel to Knoxville, Tennessee. Her earsand nose are...
MISSING CHILDKevin Isaiah Paul GoinsNCIC# M617846795Missing Since: April 17, 2024Knoxville, TNAge Now: 15 Years OldMaleKevin was last seen April 17, 2024.Knoxville PoliceDepartment(Tennessee) 1-865-215-4010How you can helpScan, View, & ShareReport Sighting CALL911...